[AD] [tmsugi@xxxxxxxxxx: Re:more stable sidewinder]

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Tomohiko: I'm not having time to do any work on Allegro at the moment, so 
I'm forwarding your mail on to the Allegro developers mailing list 
(conductors@xxxxxxxxxx). Hopefully someone there can apply this 
patch. Thanks for sending it!

----- Forwarded message from Tomohiko Sugiura <tmsugi@xxxxxxxxxx> -----

Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 23:03:39 +0900
To: shawn@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:more stable sidewinder
From: Tomohiko Sugiura <tmsugi@xxxxxxxxxx>

He have rewritten sidewinder driver with all C.
His driver has two types ,'stable' and 'aggressive'.

'stable' is only more stable version of including with 3.9.32.
'aggressive' is has two big features:

1.Supports not only 0x0201 gameport but also 0200,0202-0207.
2.This works without remove Windows sidewinder driver.

if aggressive won't have no problem ,stable will be deleted 

BTW, the auther of IF-SEGA/ISA is not S.Suzuki but E.Watanabe.
/PCI and /PCI2 are by S.Suzuki 
please correct it,sorry.

>> SAKA had written more stable version of sidewinder driver.
>> This is less depend on access speed to soundcard.
>> PCI cards access little faster than ISAs.
>> so that current driver may lose some strobe data in some 
>> cases.
>> This driver have been fixed this problem.
>This looks nice in theory, but unfortunately I can't use it the way it is 
>at the moment, because of the inline asm: that won't compile with the 
>Watcom version of Allegro. This needs to either all be written in regular 
>C, or moved into an external .s file so that other compilers can link 
>with it.

Tomohiko Sugiura

----- End forwarded message -----

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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