[AD] Allegro for PPC (604e)

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I don't know if anyone is interested but I have ported some of allegro to the
PPC (604e)
I have been using the 2.2.13 kernel and patched it with some framebuffer
I have tested the test program and exhello with good success.  Had to make
some changes
to how 16bit mode is handled since the FB I am using looks more like a 15bit
RGB.  Any way I have
also ported a custom app that ran under Linux on x86.  Not sure what to do
with the work I have done?
I would like to contribute my changes if you would like them?  I still have a
few bugs to work out with
some bitmaps in my program (which could be just a bug in my program not in
allegro).  It was fun porting
allegro to PPC because it's Endianess is opposite of the x86.  Also the
Framebuffer returns values that are
differnet then what you would expect at 16bit (The RGB offset values where

Modes I have tested at 8bit,16bit modes at 640x480.  Also the mouse and
keyboard work fine (as expected).


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