[AD] Win32 windows

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I know there's been a discussion related to this and the X version, but
has anyone given any thought to moving the window creation into the gfx
driver initialization rather than the Windows system initialization?

Now, I know that the sound, mouse, and keyboard drivers require a
window handle, and must be initialized after the window is created.
However, playing around with the source, I found it works fine if you
basically move init_directx_window out of the system init, and into
init_directx, as long as you call install_mouse(), etc after you have
called set_gfx_mode. (For the GDI mode, you'd need to create the window
in there, since I don't believe it calls init_directx) However, I've
noticed that most, if not all, of the Allegro examples call
install_mouse/keyboard/sound before set_gfx_mode.

I'm guessing most of us would agree that there would be many benefits
with creating the window in the graphics driver, rather than the system
driver, like making add-on libraries such as AllegroGL much easier to
put together.

Would it be acceptable to require users to call intstall_* after
set_gfx_mode? Would that cause any problems with the other platforms? I
know it could cause problems with older programs using Allegro 3.9.x,
but then, this is a WIP after all, and you've gotta expect things like
this to change. (Plus, it can't hurt Allegro 3.1x programs)  Anyway,
how does this sound? Am I just crazy? ... don't answer that. Well, let
me know what all you guys think. If it's just a bad idea, I can always
think of a workaround, I suppose.

John H.

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