Re: [AD] Interlaced blit

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Well, I got it working "but"...

Using bmp_write16 and getpixel, I managed to make the damnable thign
render, but it's slow. An interlace factor of 1 (ie 1 pass to draw the
whole image) should, ideally, take as long as blit, and higher factors
should run faster.  Well, I tried it on a factor of 1 (taking out the
resyncs, which were masking the timing data), and it ran about 3 times
_slower_ than blit.  It does get faster as the number of passes
increases, but it takes a 5-pass interlace to beat the speed of blit

What I think I really need is a bmp_write that can transfer a bigger
block of memory (say,a whole scanline) than 1 pixel. 

Is any of this feasable, or should i seek other alternatives?


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