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Hello, I think this is my first post in the conductors link. I have added
an OR drawing mode because I needed one. I was really surprised that there
is none in the Allegro lib. I gave it the number 6. It is not completely
implemented yet, currently only hline8 in i386.s can do it, where I made a
copy of the XOR-loop and changed it to do OR.
I couldn't find anything about an OR drawing mode in the archieves either,
is this issue really new? So now you know that there is at least one out
there who actually needs it...


PS: I had a question in the Allegro list not long ago regarding the "master
sample rate" of Allegro's digi driver. Is it safe to rely that there always
is a value stored in AL_VAR( int, _sound_freq )? Or are there some
hardware/platforms that need no mixing code and thus no such thing as a
master sample rate?

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