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I managed to track down where Allegro was conflicting with SVGAlib
with regards to the VESA driver.  It was SIGALRM, so switching it
off and on and using some DISABLE/ENABLE pairs at the right places
fixed it up.  As usual I ended up modifying more than necessary, so
the attached patch is quite large.

George: you might want to check that I didn't do anything bad to
your code, especially the change in alintlnx.h -- I wasn't sure
where to add the prototypes.

After testing the driver on the two machines here (one a Voodoo
Banshee, the other a NeoMagic something on a laptop) I'm really
impressed how stable it feels now, considering I've seen the code
inside SVGAlib and all the little workarounds I put into the driver
:-) Switching lots of modes and in and out of drivers doesn't work
very well, but maybe next time...

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.psynet.net/tjaden/
If it doesn't work, kick it. (or in this case, workaround it)

Attachment: svgavesa.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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