Re: [AD] ASM Porting

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I've been trying to look for a workaround (I'm trying to build Allegro
under Borland C++Builder, which like Watcom uses the OMF file format
rather than DJGPP's COFF), but I haven't had much time recently because of
schoolwork.  I tried to use objdump combined with att2intl, but some of
the opcodes don't disassemble properly.  (For example, some of the cmpl's
disassemble as cmpl 0x0, $something which obviously isn't right.)  So when
I get some time I'm going to try to use the objdump source to make a quick
hack that disassembles everything into opcodes (.db xxx, xxx, xxx etc.)
plus the labels and see how NASM takes to that.

Charles-Warren Wardlaw wrote:

> Hello again,
> With the recent difficulties I've encountered trying to compile the
> Watcom library, I've been wondering: has the idea to use NASM been
> reconsidered as an alternative to the current method?  I know that,
> originally, Shawn didn't want the library to be dependent on tools
> outside of the bare-bones DJGPP distribution, but since SED is a
> separate addon package (and build problems for ports aren't limited to
> me), is this argument still valid?
> - Charles Wardlaw

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