[AD] Real time d_list_proc()

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Here is a patch that makes scrolling in d_list_proc() go in real time. In
big lists, you used to see the list continue scrolling after you released
the key because keypresses were buffered faster than the list redrew itself
(at least on my P133). I changed d_list_proc() to only redraw after a
keypress when it recieves a MSG_IDLE message, so it will "skip frames" now.
I also changed d_textbox_proc() and the font list in grabber to get the
same behaviour.

This needed a new D_INTERNAL2 flag for the DIALOG->flags field. I hope it
was OK to add that; it ought not to break anything as long as people use
D_USER as a base for their own flags, and as long as they recompile their
source before linking with next version of Allegro.


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Description: Zip archive

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