[AD] Patch to compile src/win/wdsound.c using dx-sdk 7.0

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In response to error that  msvc6.0 with DX-SDK 7.0  produces:


Compiling Allegro for MSVC, optimised. Please wait...
obj/msvc/runner.exe cl @ -nologo -DALLEGRO_SRC -W1 -Gd -Ox -GB -MT -I. -I./inclu
de -Foobj/msvc/alleg/wdsound.obj -c src/win/wdsound.c
src/win/wdsound.c(336) : error C2065: 'DSBCAPS_CTRLALL' : undeclared identifier
make.exe: *** [obj/msvc/alleg/wdsound.obj] Error 2

I have made one simple #define of DSBCAPS_CTRLALL

( Analysed its bit_value as defined in DX61SDK)   the same change was
incorporated into libmikmod  directsound driver, so I think there is no
negative effects.

Sincerely,  Igor Gnip.

Attachment: ctrlall.diff
Description: Binary data

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