[AD] Re^2: [AL] VESA3 refresh rate setting

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>Nice, but a couple of things worry me about this particular implementation...
>Mostly, it bothers me to be supplying a list of hardcoded CRTC settings.
>I know very little about this aspect of graphics coding, but it seems
>strange that we have to provide all this extra info just in order to
>change the reset rate, plus this obviously limits us to only the modes
>contained in that list. Is there no way that the CRTC values can be
>calculated just from the resolution width and height, or read from VESA in
>some way? Comments from anyone who better understands this area would be
>much appreciated.


Unfortunately, I didn't know proper way of CRTC timing calculation,
but I tried it to use temporarily. It may work, probably.


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