[AD] Compilation bug in Allegro 3.9.31 for Unix

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(Note: I don't subscribe to the list, please reply by private email in
addition to any copies to the list if you want me to see it.)

When trying to compile the Allegro library under Solaris 5.6 I got an error in
file src/math.c - there's an extra level of parethesis (in the non-x86 code),
giving an error "wrong number of parameters" for function 'hypot'.  (It's
difficult to see by just looking at it, I suspect there aren't many non-Linux
users of Allegro as yet; I thought I'd give it a try even though the web site
just talks about Linux...)

The diff -c to fix this is:

*** ./src/math.c~       Sun Jan 30 22:17:22 2000
--- ./src/math.c        Mon Feb 21 13:30:06 2000
*** 368,374 ****
  fixed fhypot(fixed x, fixed y)
!    return ftofix(hypot((fixtof(x), fixtof(y))));
--- 368,374 ----
  fixed fhypot(fixed x, fixed y)
!    return ftofix(hypot(fixtof(x), fixtof(y)));

Chris C

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