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IMHO if somebody plays with Allegro functions before initializing the
library, he should get some error message from Allegro. Somehow like the
way Shawn managed to force programmers use correctly the set_color_depth
function before set_gfx_mode to load truecolor images correctly and avoid
any further hassles in the lib's code. Not breaking api, but making things
not work. 

Then programmers will start to scratch their heads when they see their
program has stopped working, and hopefully turn to the Allegro docs
instead of flooding the mailing lists with faq's :-) 

Since Allegro is portable, and very great, I would understand it to be
strict in some cases.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware - http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

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