[AD] OSS input

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This was sitting unfinished on my hard disk for a couple of WIPs,
which wasn't helping anyone very much.  I don't know if the scratchy
sound is due to my crappy mic, or my code (probably both) so someone
else will have to test it out.

Not done:

1. recording capability querying.  I'm not totally sure how to
(without resorting to brute force trial and error).

2. full duplex.  This will have to wait until someone writes a full
duplex example program. :-)

If I can muster up enough courage I will also try to fix the
incomplete ALSA and ESD input codes as well...

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx - http://www.psynet.net/tjaden/
"There are no passengers on spaceship Free Software - we are all the crew."

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