[AD] bug in src/win/wjoyw32.c

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I have detect a bug in windows source, allegro last version.I explain the problem, but english not is very well.

The original source (win/wjoyw32.c) only works if you have 1 joystick in Windows and this joy only have 8 buttons or less. 
This is great, the 95% of people have that configuration. But if you have 2 joys or some joy have more of 10 buttons the driver don't work.
The driver limit the buttons number to 8 but don't limit the loop (->for(..;..;.){}) at button loop refresh, and the numbers of buttons are readed of windows 'caps'. This overwrite the struct. REPAIR
The 2 joystick not work, simple, a little bug in sticks refresh. REPAIR
And only find the 2 first joys in the Panel control joysticks IDs list of Windows but if the first joy is in the 3 ID? REPAIR
I repair this bugs, and all work correctly.
I found this bugs because I use DirectPad Pro to use SNES Pad in Windows and all tests and programs of allegro that use joystick not work.
I am not a guru programmer, revise and compare my source and optimize.


http://www.latinmail.com.  Gratuito, latino y en español.

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