Re: [AD] Utility to convert multiple bitmap files to one palette?

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Laurence Withers <lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Would it be useful to include a utility which can convert multiple
> bitmap files to use a "best-fit" palette?

The grabber can sort of do that: it only knows to look at a single image 
while generating an optimal palette, but can then reduce as many images 
as you like to that fixed palette.

Standalone tools with more flexible options are certainly useful things 
to have, and there are a couple (Fixpal and Smacker) linked on the 
utlities section of the Allegro site, but I think it's better to keep 
such things separate from the Allegro distribution: there's no particular 
reason to merge them, after all!

If you have a useful utility, by all means give me a URL so I can link to 
it, though.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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