[AD] makedoc patches

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Here are two patches to makedoc.c.

multline.dif fixes a bug that made the following part of a ._tx file:

@\void foo(int x,
@@         int y);
@\void bar(int x,
@@         int y);
   Test functions.

be split up into two chapters in the texi format, rather than merged
into one like the case would be if foo and bar had been declared on only
one line each. (hey, Vincent, _this_ is about as small as a patch can
get: I added one character :o)

A side effect is that makedoc produces an invalid texi file for

     @@int @foo, @bar;

but I think that's just a good thing: It used to just ignore the second
@ character, thus the new thing is that you get a warning instead of an
unexpected result.

multword.dif adds the marker @multiwordheaders, which specifies that
header names are not truncated to one word in texi output (like we
discussed earlier).


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