Re: [AD] Patch to prototype _xwin_handle_input

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George Foot <george.foot@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> This patch adds a prototype to `allegro/aintunix.h'.


> I don't know whether disabling the interrupts like this really is such a 
> bad thing to do -- the only effect is on the actual Allegro timer system, 
> which will miss a lot of interrupts, but it should catch up again later 
> on.

I think that's ok. Late interrupts are handled fine: it's just that the 
timer won't tick perhaps quite as accurately as it really should. But at 
worst case you are going to be acquiring and releasing this lock once per 
frame, and that's not so far removed from the existing 1/100 second timer 
resolution that it would lose much precision. In fact constraining the 
timers to tick once per rendered frame can never make any difference to the 
smoothness of input handling or logic updates!

> Back on the topic of the attached patch, is there any plan to go through 
> `xwin.c' and prototype all the public routines there?

With other parts of Allegro I've tended to only prototype things as and when 
they turn out to be needed. It doesn't matter so much as long as they only 
go in the internal files, but still, I'd say leave them until someone finds 
a need for it.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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