[AD] native mingw32 port.

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hi! the native mingw32 port is finished, but i have some linking problems...
if somebody wants to finish it, it would be very welcome. for gcc to link
microsoft style *.lib files (directx libs) you'll need the following stuff:

you'll of course need james johnson's mini directx sdk, install it to
c:\mingw32\i386-mingw32 ...

then get tar & bzip2 from this file ...


unzip to your mingw32 directory.


uncompress to your mingw32 directory with: tar -xIvf
mikey the porter added *.lib support for the gnu linker... *jeepee* i guess.

then download my files. (note! i've not made a nice patch, you'll need to
unzip it to a temporary directory and move the files to where they should


make the directories obj\mingw32\alleg_s etc... copy dependency file here...

ok, then move to your allegro directory and write the following...

set MINGDIR=c:\mingw32
make -i

if everything went well about 70% of the example programs should work...
for the moment midi doesn't work and i have problems linking in gdi and
directinput stuff... oh, and very important: delete the directx .a libraries
that comes with mingw32, they are incomplete...

i'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
E-Mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx
Homepage: http://thunder.prohosting.com/~hstokset/

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