Linux console

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(just when you thought Allegro 4.0 was just around the corner...)

Would it be possible to move the `__al_linux_init_console' call (and
related stuff) out of the Linux system driver, and into the specific
graphics drivers that need them?

The reason I ask is because the SVGAlib and GGI drivers both do this
bit of work themselves (finding the tty fd, etc.) and I think Allegro
is conflicting with them. 

Currently the drivers magically work, for the most part, until the
program quits (SVGAlib leaves crap all over the screen, GGI locks up
the keyboard and/or leaves the screen blank).  They are not as stable
as they could be either, I'm *guessing* this has something to do with

If it's feasible I will do the work, but I'd need a list of drivers
(just VGA and fbcon?) and subsystems (vga helpers, VT switching?)
which depend on the current behavior.  Otherwise I'll figure out some
ugly work arounds.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
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