Re: [AD] Memory debuggers

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At 19:01 1999-11-25 +0100, Sven Sandberg wrote:
>I recently downloaded Fortify,


>Is this cool enough that Allegro should support it? I'd volunteer to
>write the code, ie do the search-and-replace.

There is one problem with this: The license of Fortify. It allows you to do
any modifications you want to it, but you may not distribute them. And the
license also forbids any Microsoft employees to use it (that's very cool!).
However, these limitations to the freeness of the software forces us not to
include Fortify in the Allegro distribution, it must be completely
optional. Also, the only sign of Fortify we can have in the Allegro files
is #includes of the header, we may not take any code snippets out of it. Is
it possible to do this?


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