Re: [AD] Linux mouse patch

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On Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 12:48:18AM +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> However, using the wheel as an axis in the classic case (with scroll
> bars) would require user programs to constantly store the previous
> value and compare it with the current value in order to see if it has
> changed.  In this case I think a new function to reset mouse_z to zero
> after the value has been checked would be very handy.
> `reset_mouse_z', anyone?

I don't think that's necessary for that purpose, but for
completeness we should have a function to set mouse_z's value
(just like we have a function to set the X and Y coordinates --
but I don't think we should add Z to that function for several

The reason I say it's not necessary is that you're just talking
about a mickey-style mechanism, which I think we should add
definitely -- it's a natural extension, if you go though
duplicating the X/Y behaviour for the Z axis.  Again though we
probably shouldn't change the API, but then that makes the API

I think I'm more in favour of referring to it as the wheel, to
distinguish the new functions from the old.

Shawn commented that the Windows API just sends a series of
movement messages when you spin the wheel.  I think the natural
way to represent that type of behaviour in Allegro's API is
through the third axis; Allegro is sort of caching the messages
then sending them all at once (through the mickey mechanism) and
just keeping a running total of movements in the mouse_*


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