[AD] MingW makefile patch + dialog->dp problem

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Ok, here's a patch (my first, so it may not even work!) for makefile.mgw so it can compile the grabber as a GUI program and not a console. This works perfectly here, so tell me if there's any problem with it.

Also, the problem with casting (char*) to (void*) in DIALOG structures: it's not the casting the problem, but rather the conversion from (CONST char*) to (void*): There's a loss of constantness the compiler can't handle ! This holds true for ALL functions that take char* as arguments to which you are sending a string, so even a unicode function will fail to compile ! I have even tried using the -fwritable-strings option, but to no avail... Any suggestions ?
--- oldmakefile.mgw	Wed Nov 24 18:25:06 1999
+++ makefile.mgw	Wed Nov 24 18:22:28 1999
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
-  gcc $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(strip $(PLUGIN_LIB) $(addprefix @,$(PLUGIN_SCRIPTS)) $(LIB_NAME) $(LIBRARIES))
+  gcc $(LFLAGS) -mwindows -o $@ $< $(strip $(PLUGIN_LIB) $(addprefix @,$(PLUGIN_SCRIPTS)) $(LIB_NAME) $(LIBRARIES))

 - GodOfWar

There is always one more bug.

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