[AD] fbcon+timer hanging

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>Then, I can always switch to another console, but when I return to the
>console being used by an allegro program, it get's hung, the keyboard
>doesn't work, and only alt+sys+k helps me get out of the pit. The problem
>is that some programs work, others don't.
Ah, I thought I was the only one with that problem ;-)

>At the moment, these are the ones that _work_ with console switching:

>These are the ones that block the console:


At my system, it looks like the combination of fbcon and a timer does
this, I think that agrees with thed probgrams you mention here.

I'm not sure, but I think ALT-Sysrq-R(reset keyboard) followed by ctrl-c
also kills the allegro program , spares you some time.
I tried to do some debugging, but I didn't find anything yet.

Martijn Versteegh

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