[AD] install-info target should be fixed ...

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in RH 6.0  possibly others,   /usr/info/dir  is a symlink to ../../etc/info-dir

install-info tarhet in Makefile tries to do "ln -s /usr/info/dir $(prefix)/info/dir

and it can't do it.

[root@xxxxxxxxxx allegro]# make install-gzipped-info
ln: cannot create symbolic link `/usr/local/info/dir' to `/usr/info/dir': No such file or directory
make: *** [install-info] Error 1
[root@xxxxxxxxxx allegro]# ls /usr/info/dir
[root@xxxxxxxxxx allegro]# ls /usr/info/dir -l
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           18 Oct 11 01:02 /usr/info/dir -> ../../etc/info-dir
[root@xxxxxxxxxx allegro]# ln -s /etc/info-dir /usr/local/info/dir

suggested fix:    if ( -f /etc/info-dir ) 
			ln -s /etc/info-dir $(prefix)/info/dir;
			ln -s /usr/info/dir $(prefix)/info/dir;

(bash-like syntax,  possibly not totally correct, but it gives an idea ...

Good luck !   It doesn't look too hard ...   I could've make some diffs, but it is so trivial, it makes no sense to bother with  diff & patch utils ...

EOT :)

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