Re: [AD] Todo?

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Vincent PENQUERC'H <vpenquerch@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Ok, what did I forget?
> Hmmmm ... New GUI framework, with mouse buttons distinction and widgets 
> that do not take upon mouse when clicked?

That's been talked about in much depth, but although it is a good idea, I 
don't think it counts as release-critical.

> And if someone has a bright idea on speeding up random access to 
> datafiles, I would gladly hear it ;)

No bright ideas required: this has been listed in todo.txt for ages. You 
just need to cache the object names and offsets on the first pass through a 
file, so that subsequent accesses can go straight to any previously seen 
objects without needing to touch the index. The tricky bit is implementing 
this without breaking anything, for instance making it deal gracefully with 
nested datafiles (remembering that the first pass might or might not have 
looked inside the datafile, or might have only gone half of the way through 
it and then stopped after finding the object it was looking for), and also 
it must be careful not to apply the cache to the wrong file, if people start 
writing out data or renaming things on disk (in some situations that might 
be impossible to avoid, but it should at least try to detect things like 
swapping a floppy disk for another one that contains a different datafile 
with the same name as one previously encountered. Urgh :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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