Re: [AD] Data file directory

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On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, George Foot wrote:
> So, what I suggested isn't needed -- but it's easy to implement,
> and small.  What do people think?

My two euro cents for the topic, after reading a few answers:

- This would mean little to no benefit for dos/windows users.

- The code addition would be small, and a new api would be easily
  assimilated by the interested.

- It would be a little bit difficult to decide into which directory should
  go what file => Programmer must know this pretty well to avoid creating
  a mess for the user + the game would be difficult to uninstall manually
  if no script or packaging system is provided.

- Maybe it could be extended? For Wotan I wrote a file loading function
  which depending on versions loaded a file from hard disk, then cdrom, or
  from other place if needed. Maybe this could be changed into something
  more generic like fall-back paths for file reading?

- Maybe this doesn't go exactly here, but then Allegro would need some way
  to have opened several config files, or decide if one load/save config
  routine should apply to the global config file, system one or personal,
  and the game needs to be programmed specifically for this.

Hmmm... interesting. How about making this as an addon for Allegro?  You
know, remember all the talks about including mp3/mod players into Allegro

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

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