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>Kevin J Dickerson <sparky42@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Hi. I'm using a USB Intellimouse, which is an excellent mouse, but
>> apparently does not have full support in Allegro - specifically, the
>> wheel is useless. Any plans on adding wheel support?
>Unlikely ever to happen in DOS, because the int 0x33 driver interface
>doesn't support it, and I doubt that Microsoft will ever add that.
Is it be possible for DOS programs running under Windows?
>There is no reason why it couldn't be done in Linux and Windows, given
>someone who has one of these mice and understands how to access it: any
>Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
>"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."
I have a wheel mouse (MS IntelliMouse PS/2). AFAIK, the wheel is recognized
as buttons 3(click),4(up) and 5(down) or vice versa. I don't have enough
info to
try to do this but If someone decides to do it, I can help test it.