Re: [AD] trapping `exit'?

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On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Shawn Hargreaves wrote:

> btw. given that I'm working on a direct support for SVGAlib, is there really 
> any point in using it though GGI as well? I think it is really only worth 
> using GGI for the targets that we don't already natively support.

Yeah, I know, but it's the only way I can test the GGI code now :)  GGI
gives you a unified interface, so if one driver works, the rest should
too.  The actual driver choice is made by the user with GGI_DISPLAY
environment variable, so if they choose SVGAlib while running an
Allegro/GGI program, they'd be in big trouble.  I think it's probably
better to fix this situation than walk around it, so I'll keep

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx - - ICQ: 4588779

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