[AD] trapping `exit'?

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Hi, it's been a while since I worked on the GGI driver, but I'm back

(One of) the latest problems I've encountered is when libggi tries to
use svgalib to open the display, and you don't have root priviledges.  
For some stupid reason, either SVGAlib or the svgalib driver in ggi (I'm
not sure), decides to abort the program as soon as this fails.  Now if
you've got the keyboard handler installed, your keyboard is left in raw
mode, which is not very nice.  It also seems to crash at the *end* of
the program, but I don't think this is related.

I was wondering if there was a way to trap the call to exit() or some
signal, in order to cancel the call or maybe give Allegro a chance to
kill its keyboard handler?

Sorry I haven't investigated this further, but I wanted to send this out
now since I only have the weekends left to code.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx - http://psynet.net/tjaden/ - ICQ: 4588779

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