Re: [AD] GUI system

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GodOfWar <varobert@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Could the check box procedure be modified so that the check box be to the 
> left of the text instead of to the right ? I would propose using d1 


> Also, would it be possible to split D_DISABLED into something like 
> D_INACTIVE and D_GREYEDOUT. What I would like to do is a self 
> hiding/unhiding button.

How you draw your objects is entirely up to you. Store your greyed out state 
information somewhere else (in one of the object fields, or using a D_USER 
flag), and then modify your display code to know about this.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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