[AD] Dynamic Linking

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Did anyone ever answer how we should handle drivers that require dynamic
linking to other lower level librarys/drivers.  The problem was having a
program that required that a person have all these libraries installed or
it wouldn't run.

My thought was to link the libraries in on demand instead of linking with
the import library.  It would require the drivers to load the libraries
they need at run-time.

I was planning on doing this if/when I add 3Dfx frame buffer support to
Allegro (3D problems aside, having a library to handle 2D on these cards
would be nice).  I was just going to link in the functions I need so that
people using Allegro won't have to have Glide installed, even if they
don't have a 3Dfx card.

         The Phoenix - President of The Artistic Intuition Company
    Caelius * Zen-X * Mirror Reflex * Runica * X-Domain * Infinite Realms

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