Re: [AD] windowed mode

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On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Dominique Biesmans wrote:

> > 3. Scanline buffering
> Question: if lots of/all scanlines are overwritten each frame (e.g. a tile
> based scrolling system), would this result in a seperate blit of each
> scanline, each frame? Cause I think the penalty of a seperate blit for each
> scanline couldn't be ignored.

I think in this case, we would do like any good dirty rectangle system
would do and simply fall back to double buffering when a large enough area
or too many areas have been made dirty.

> Dominique

         The Phoenix - President of The Artistic Intuition Company
    Caelius * Zen-X * Mirror Reflex * Runica * X-Domain * Infinite Realms

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