[AD] screen == null?

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When and where gets the screen var set in GFX_DIRECTX mode?

I try to use the var out of the DLL but it always runs
into an "accessing null" exception.


For those who wants to know why I need this:
I'm still porting Allegro to Delphi - no one answered to my
last mail :( - and here are the already supported routines: 

   allegro_id  // WIP 3.9.22
   errno       // 
   font	       //	

   install_allegro  // with SYSTEM_NONE and DIRECT X
   allegro_exit     //
   allegro_message  //

   create_bitmap    //
   create_bitmap_ex //
   clear_to_color   // no makecols, yet
   blit             //
   draw_sprite      //
   draw_to_hdc      //

   text_mode        //
   textout          //

   set_gfx_mode     // i'm working on this one (see question at top)
   set_color_depth  //
   set_color_conversion //


____Christian Stein_______________________________
    Sumpfweg 15       http://www.caladon.de
____72070 Tuebingen___mail:bigstone@domain.hid____


____Christian Stein_______________________________
    Sumpfweg 15       http://www.caladon.de
____72070 Tuebingen___mail:bigstone@domain.hid____

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