Re: [AD] More Unix patches

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Shawn Hargreaves <shawn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> For keyboard 
> input, there are routines to handle a keypress and keyrelease, where you 
> give it the ASCII code and Allegro-format scancode. Alternatively you can 
> pass the input to the routines in pckeys.c, which takes input in the 
> keyboard controller hardware format, and passes it on to the generic 
> handlers in keyboard.c after doing all the table conversions, but it will 
> probably be easier for you to ignore that and just go straight to the 
> keyboard.c routines.

I'm not sure what functions to use.  X-server generates KeyPress and
KeyRelease events with keycodes in the range [8,255].  In
XwinAllegro keycodes were converted to the keyboard controller
hardware format (sequence of scancodes) which was processed similar to
DOS version (now this sequence can be processed with _handle_pckeys).
I don't think that processing with functions from keyboard.c can be as
simple as with _handle_pckeys function.  AFAICS, it will be necessary
to calculate ASCII values and scancodes according to state of modifier
keys.  But maybe I'm wrong here?

Michael Bukin

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