Re: [Galette-discussion] Upgrade 9.3 to 9.6.1 |
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Hi Thierry
Thanks for your message. Having no previous experience with the
in-app upgrade, I am not willing to risk running it on a
production system.
So after my last message, I deleted v 9.6 on the test platform
and installed v 9.3. with the appropriate version of the events
plugin (files are still available in the galette archives.).
I then placed a copy of the production db on the test platform
and this works fine.
I am now set to test the in-app upgrade process using the test
platform. I guess this will work OK, but I am not clear on how
the plugin update will work in parallel. More news on this later.
Hi,is there any reason why you don’t want to follow the upgrade path with galette itself ?I would install a copy of your galette+db on your test server, then upgrade galette there and it should take care of the db migration.
Le 8 déc. 2022 à 22:46, jim/cluchey <jim@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Hi again OK I just saw that the db schema has indeed changed between 9.3 and 9.6. Is there a stand-alone tool to convert the db ?
On 08/12/2022 22:19, jim/cluchey wrote:
We are using Galette V0.9.3.1 with the events plugin in production. I am running a separate test installation of to check if this newer version suits our users. V0.9.6.1 is running OK on a test platform (Apache with php 7.4 on Ubuntu 20.04) with the empty db installed by the setup program. I tried replacing this db with our production db from V0.9.3.1 and I'm getting server fault errors (500) . The php error logs show a fatal error :
"Use of undefined constant GALETTE_TPL_SUBDIR"..... script dependencies.php line 71. Some questions : IS there a DB schema change between 9.3 and 9.6 ?
The test server is running Apache with php 7.4 on Ubuntu 20.04
Suggestions ?
Cordialement JC
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