[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-fullcard.git annotated tag 2.0.0 created. 2.0.0

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/plugin-fullcard.git" repository.

The annotated tag, 2.0.0 has been created
        at  ba871258b64c84cbdfb962fcd5a543cf1e9d6a1f (tag)
   tagging  9789044cd332ff4bc2fa9bd805db791e2765b991 (commit)
  replaces  1.8.2
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Thu Dec 7 08:08:29 2023 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Galette 1.0.0 compat

Johan Cwiklinski (14):
      Merge branch 'release/1.8.2' into develop
      Fixes for PHP 8.1
      No longer supported PHP versions
      Update checks configuration
      Update composer and checker configuration
      Fix checker configuration
      Update GH actions, test on PHP 8.2
      Update CI and checker config
      Compat Galette 1.0.0
      Add phpstan checks; fixes
      Add scritinizer conf
      Bump version
      Missing constants in checker configuration
      Bump release date



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