[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-events.git annotated tag 1.5.0 created. 1.5.0

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/plugin-events.git" repository.

The annotated tag, 1.5.0 has been created
        at  d0d1c9d5329cdd449a9cecaa207a43d7905c1987 (tag)
   tagging  c650ed0e2195d23d9124e95b278f36fcdb696949 (commit)
  replaces  1.4.1
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Mon Nov 29 19:50:02 2021 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Galette 0.9.6

ButterflyOfFire (1):
      Translated using Weblate (Arabic)

Hosted Weblate (3):
      Update translation files
      Update translation files
      Update translation files

Johan Cwiklinski (41):
      Merge branch 'release/1.4.1' into develop
      Compile locales
      Use prepared statement rather than direct SQL
      Add CSRF token
      Fix wrong escaping
      Fix redirection
      Update checker configuration
      Really fix checker config
      List all core translation methods
      Fix bookings removal
      Do not store activity on form reload
      Fix simple members access to events
      Fix wrong characters for POT file
      Update locales extraction script; update locales
      Translated using Weblate (French)
      Compile locales
      Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
      Compile locales
      Revert "Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)"
      Revert "Translated using Weblate (French)"
      Revert "Update translation files"
      Update locales extraction script; update locales
      Translated using Weblate (French)
      Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
      Compile locales
      Members cannot see some of their bookings
      Check event rights on edition, not on load
      Update compatible version, use selectizedMembers
      Ensure financial information are not edited from group managers
      Include member id in bookings list query; closes #1528
      Display events member has bookings on
      Extract translations strings
      Translated using Weblate (French)
      Compile locales
      Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
      Compile locales
      Fix attendees count
      Restrict bookings display for simple members
      Display all attendees count, and paid ones
      Bump version
      Fix cs



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