[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-maps.git branch master updated. 1.6.0-17-g9c96f37

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/plugin-maps.git" repository.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  9c96f379f7bca7ed66b76d2777cec539f6a397fc (commit)
       via  40bb898e6e123c725f3f0e8bcd8dc45d72016118 (commit)
       via  069e0349c9b130019bc10ad63fe1a767869bfa38 (commit)
       via  dbcd49e9d1bf3da4e14eba0c1d6a5c67cae455f3 (commit)
       via  d0c41c69eb4d42538341d7d73670e9e8e0fee163 (commit)
       via  d1d7021410522fefed80bf09fe83bc73151658a7 (commit)
       via  ed1eb6c1e9ec22576e851ef3757ffa319169845e (commit)
       via  1ce7bb5e03a353a2eecc628b7e8b1ceb91d08ce5 (commit)
       via  a0f541ed3112fbf352f869f371855950782c1467 (commit)
       via  64f8b19fa2e9449aea918b6db6e363096cb1e976 (commit)
       via  8b311e6d6322cb10181455718cb95105fb794316 (commit)
       via  3ffc12857e21b0bab635e110c17ab27e2de1fb51 (commit)
      from  4f9a3026b75f624fae6ec978a7cf3c0de40fc4f8 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 9c96f379f7bca7ed66b76d2777cec539f6a397fc
Merge: 4f9a302 40bb898
Author: Johan Cwiklinski <johan@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Oct 23 08:52:24 2021 +0200

    Merge branch 'release/1.6.1'


Summary of changes:
 .composer-require-checker.config.json          |   5 +-
 ChangeLog                                      |   4 +
 _define.php                                    |   8 +-
 lang/ar.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo               | Bin 358 -> 1579 bytes
 lang/maps_ar.utf8.po                           |  40 +++---
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_ota.utf8.po}            |  15 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_si.utf8.po}             |  15 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_tr.utf8.po}             |  15 +-
 lang/{ar.utf8 => ota.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo | Bin 358 -> 359 bytes
 lang/{ar.utf8 => si.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo  | Bin 358 -> 358 bytes
 lang/{ar.utf8 => tr.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo  | Bin 358 -> 358 bytes
 maps.js                                        |   3 +-
 package-lock.json                              | 182 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 package.json                                   |   1 +
 templates/default/headers.tpl                  |   3 +
 templates/default/maps.tpl                     |  16 ++-
 webpack.config.js                              |   6 +
 17 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_ota.utf8.po} (90%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_si.utf8.po} (90%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_tr.utf8.po} (90%)
 copy lang/{ar.utf8 => ota.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo (67%)
 copy lang/{ar.utf8 => si.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo (85%)
 copy lang/{ar.utf8 => tr.utf8}/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo (85%)


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