[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-maps.git branch master updated. 1.4.0-37-g8f001f4

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/plugin-maps.git" repository.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  8f001f4d79199a291ffc0d7ba36ecdacb845fdce (commit)
       via  c8941ff3ff1a5654f3327cedd01810f47577a61a (commit)
       via  2adac70832fea54f1e9dd44d9e5ec3b9be064118 (commit)
       via  bf97a49bf66eecf57542b7c6a3873ff9d17545f5 (commit)
       via  7a1a7f073b8a909259b50910c3a0d06c34408155 (commit)
       via  be37699fbe53ba5831351dfdaa2f7fd8976dc5d8 (commit)
       via  c2213630bfe8cf9a2f5d788f2713b953225c6e47 (commit)
       via  257eaedfad1e49782f6afa6d7d3540389b1b0047 (commit)
       via  18e98be01be6ab84fe2341dfd1704336e385a804 (commit)
       via  fc4a58888ad58c970121be98f2a8b88bc4edacab (commit)
       via  59c0667ffdb85283e88728de4bdf65a380a76530 (commit)
       via  b02b93c535bb4d35b300f290ea8a78cdc15f1809 (commit)
       via  6da551d3c16b4e7b5fc104743533c09a5e8df699 (commit)
       via  50ec54ea9778d0faaec5d6d63e433066c0328f11 (commit)
       via  e06860175b6fb8bb3020e84dae49cf3c3f4ebc4a (commit)
       via  1cbbfc51d89abf656844b6af20427a12afc1f710 (commit)
       via  9b18303c48b7d1f1e18195384ae61c3a2f244632 (commit)
       via  5e931298db1d274b23955cfdc97a84c1b5b04e81 (commit)
       via  454e70161cbde67ab65f7fd00bc8f40b5129c33c (commit)
       via  cbdcbdd047cef51e7acd1a8374e27b23b390c984 (commit)
       via  7c62a40621fc38b9d4f4524cb32b603ca7d37b6d (commit)
       via  9cf135f41f332120b093ee1f57688e4b9e5fcd5e (commit)
       via  15b5075c16ab92799f627f0331cd70fb4cff52c8 (commit)
       via  bfbde9251d1e389cfd57a4cbca48ddf681d18da0 (commit)
       via  1f800fc81b6b7e1bb5699448b71e7bba67450e3f (commit)
       via  6d1d9adfd02bf84441bdec2279cb8a25b236c453 (commit)
       via  fcd927c54fb38d18250470f39bc2ffb6f537b886 (commit)
       via  09a6db265a1fc2c2001b4db8ab651f438838834c (commit)
       via  871562ed22f619b876af91cf13894566f087a228 (commit)
       via  7d2d22ad2a8b0cc022b66baa8f5477541b264a4d (commit)
       via  82a928c1912011f2241471e23ae4a56c09338a26 (commit)
       via  15943cf124431cea18f7e5cfc0d9ee4934e67797 (commit)
       via  ec59094eedfbeb612c42c54cac5ad68ddaa02847 (commit)
       via  4693162f410fe8233e5c0f309a8a763e5e35bf0b (commit)
       via  ac2aac90b3cdc6be5fd04b4540452bb71e9792fe (commit)
      from  049f6b485190f6ec87c34d6693a203ba38e3e1f8 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8f001f4d79199a291ffc0d7ba36ecdacb845fdce
Merge: 049f6b4 c8941ff
Author: Johan Cwiklinski <johan@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jul 4 09:00:11 2020 +0200

    Merge branch 'release/1.5.0'


Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                  |    2 +
 .scrutinizer.yml                            |  177 ++
 .travis.yml                                 |   42 +
 ChangeLog                                   |    5 +
 README                                      |    4 -
 README.md                                   |   39 +
 _define.php                                 |    6 +-
 _routes.php                                 |   27 +-
 _smarties.php                               |    1 -
 bin/release                                 |  565 ++++
 lang/Makefile                               |   45 +-
 lang/ar.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/br.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/ca.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/de_DE.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo         |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo      |  Bin 3061 -> 0 bytes
 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo              |  Bin 3206 -> 2846 bytes
 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/maps_routes.mo       |  Bin 549 -> 0 bytes
 lang/es.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 2570 bytes
 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo |  Bin 3382 -> 0 bytes
 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo         |  Bin 3540 -> 3522 bytes
 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps_routes.mo  |  Bin 558 -> 0 bytes
 lang/it_IT.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo         |  Bin 0 -> 3361 bytes
 lang/maps.pot                               |  148 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_ar.utf8.po}          |  166 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_br.utf8.po}          |  166 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_ca.utf8.po}          |  166 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_de_DE.utf8.po}       |  166 +-
 lang/maps_en_US.php                         |  119 -
 lang/maps_en_US.po                          |  251 +-
 lang/{maps_en_US.po => maps_es.utf8.po}     |  272 +-
 lang/maps_fr_FR.utf8.php                    |  119 -
 lang/maps_fr_FR.utf8.po                     |  221 +-
 lang/{maps_en_US.po => maps_it_IT.utf8.po}  |  275 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_nb_NO.utf8.po}       |  166 +-
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_oc.utf8.po}          |  160 +-
 lang/maps_routes.pot                        |   16 -
 lang/maps_routes_en_US.php                  |   17 -
 lang/maps_routes_en_US.po                   |   29 -
 lang/maps_routes_fr_FR.utf8.php             |   17 -
 lang/maps_routes_fr_FR.utf8.po              |   29 -
 lang/{maps.pot => maps_uk.utf8.po}          |  166 +-
 lang/nb_NO.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo         |  Bin 0 -> 361 bytes
 lang/oc.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/uk.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo            |  Bin 0 -> 358 bytes
 lang/xgettext.py                            |   19 +-
 lib/GaletteMaps/Coordinates.php             |   11 +-
 lib/GaletteMaps/NominatimTowns.php          |    7 +-
 maps.js                                     |   11 +
 package-lock.json                           | 3976 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package.json                                |   35 +
 templates/default/common_scripts.tpl        |   15 +-
 templates/default/headers.tpl               |    5 +-
 webpack.config.js                           |   71 +
 54 files changed, 6169 insertions(+), 1563 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .scrutinizer.yml
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml
 delete mode 100644 README
 create mode 100644 README.md
 create mode 100755 bin/release
 create mode 100644 lang/ar.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/br.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/ca.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/de_DE.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 delete mode 100644 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo
 delete mode 100644 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/maps_routes.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/es.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 delete mode 100644 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo
 delete mode 100644 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps_routes.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/it_IT.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_ar.utf8.po} (74%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_br.utf8.po} (74%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_ca.utf8.po} (74%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_de_DE.utf8.po} (74%)
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_en_US.php
 copy lang/{maps_en_US.po => maps_es.utf8.po} (57%)
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_fr_FR.utf8.php
 copy lang/{maps_en_US.po => maps_it_IT.utf8.po} (57%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_nb_NO.utf8.po} (74%)
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_oc.utf8.po} (81%)
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_routes.pot
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_routes_en_US.php
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_routes_en_US.po
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_routes_fr_FR.utf8.php
 delete mode 100644 lang/maps_routes_fr_FR.utf8.po
 copy lang/{maps.pot => maps_uk.utf8.po} (74%)
 create mode 100644 lang/nb_NO.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/oc.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 lang/uk.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/maps.mo
 create mode 100644 maps.js
 create mode 100644 package-lock.json
 create mode 100644 package.json
 create mode 100644 webpack.config.js


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