[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/galettedoc.git branch develop updated. 0.9211-95-g5b61f30

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/galettedoc.git" repository.

The branch, develop has been updated
       via  5b61f30249060029267aa2c5e0fb875f254bbae4 (commit)
      from  1038c4ca699169a390ab4117bb1ad5cfeceb8e97 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5b61f30249060029267aa2c5e0fb875f254bbae4
Author: Johan Cwiklinski <jcwiklinski@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Oct 20 21:19:31 2019 +0200

    Update translation sources


Summary of changes:
 source/locale/about.pot                       |   77 +-
 source/locale/changelog.pot                   | 1530 ++++++++++++-------------
 source/locale/development/codage.pot          |  255 ++---
 source/locale/development/contributor.pot     |  271 +++--
 source/locale/development/debug.pot           |  101 +-
 source/locale/development/git.pot             |  301 +++--
 source/locale/development/i18n.pot            |  171 ++-
 source/locale/development/index.pot           |   60 +-
 source/locale/development/plugins-0.8-0.9.pot |  216 ++--
 source/locale/development/plugins.pot         |  747 ++++++------
 source/locale/development/technical_infos.pot |  131 +--
 source/locale/index.pot                       |    6 +-
 source/locale/installation/index.pot          |    8 +-
 source/locale/installation/prerequis.pot      |   24 +-
 source/locale/plugins/admintools.pot          |   80 +-
 source/locale/plugins/auto.pot                |   88 +-
 source/locale/plugins/events.pot              |  168 ++-
 source/locale/plugins/fullcard.pot            |   32 +-
 source/locale/plugins/index.pot               |   75 +-
 source/locale/plugins/maps.pot                |  135 +--
 source/locale/plugins/objectslend.pot         |  112 +-
 source/locale/plugins/paypal.pot              |  103 +-
 source/locale/plugins/plugins-tiers.pot       |   80 +-
 source/locale/sphinx.pot                      |   28 +-
 source/locale/usermanual/adherents.pot        |  420 ++++---
 source/locale/usermanual/avancee.pot          |  233 ++--
 source/locale/usermanual/configuration.pot    |  343 ++----
 source/locale/usermanual/contributions.pot    |  123 +-
 source/locale/usermanual/generalites.pot      |  187 ++-
 source/locale/usermanual/index.pot            |   16 +-
 source/locale/usermanual/pdf_models.pot       |   97 +-
 source/locale/usermanual/preferences.pot      |  290 ++---
 source/locale/usermanual/recherche.pot        |  162 +--
 33 files changed, 3242 insertions(+), 3428 deletions(-)


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