[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/galettedoc.git annotated tag 0.8302 created. 0.8302 |
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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "galette/galettedoc.git" repository.
The annotated tag, 0.8302 has been created
at 5d5231c33e58256cc66e4f3a2fbd51575800a58d (tag)
tagging 6c504b939a823f27155933f87e23028a42c29453 (commit)
replaces 0.8301
tagged by Johan Cwiklinski
on Sun Oct 23 17:59:00 2016 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Johan Cwiklinski (5):
Merge branch 'hotfix/0.8301'
Coquille, lancement phpcs
Un mot sur les champs désactivés
Un mot sur les fiches adhérents et le plugin fullcard
Mise à joru de la version et de l'année du ©
Galette repositories commits - http://galette.tuxfamily.org