[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/galette.git annotated tag, 0.8, created. 0.8

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/galette.git".

The annotated tag, 0.8 has been created
        at  7e2d11f8f03ff5df9e9239d491616ce76d03c575 (tag)
   tagging  a13edcb67622fd06f8f42595d749a759687c122f (commit)
  replaces  0.7.6
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Sun Sep 14 19:42:05 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
0.8 \o/

Guillaume Rousse (5):
      Add file-type support for dynamic fields; fixes #727
      exclude separator type fields from list
      no need to modify original query where clause
      Make logo accessible in PDF templates; fixes #832

Johan Cwiklinski (241):
      Merge branch 'release/0.7.6' into develop
      Add attachments to mailings; fixes #187
      Add some new tests
      Travis configuration: activate PHP 5.5, try to test with postgres and mysql
      Typo in db name
      Mysql script creation from travis
      Use exising parameters to test constructor with DSN, since it check for database connection
      Add SQLite travis configuration
      Alter will not work as expected with SQLite
      Remove globals on Preferences; refs #414
      Add unit tests on Preferences; refs #454
      Try to initialize db content on first load
      Fix unit tests issues with postgres
      Bump version
      Import model could not be changed; fixes #728
      Add a param not to clean expired passwords, add unit tests
      Some changes on pasword generation; refs #731
      Another check on passwords unit tests
      Fixe memberslist CSV export; fixes #732
      Fix table size
      Fix undefined index
      Wrong creation date at member instantiation; fixes #741
      Update changelog
      Merge branch 'hotfix/' into develop
      Force integer values for charts; fixes #742
      Typo, fixes #744
      Multiple elements with same ID; fixes #736
      Do not try to store a new mailing if we're previewing, fix attachments on stored mailings
      Fix mailing history ordering
      Make sure tmp_path is set when we create a new id
      Create new directory on mailing copy; fixes #743
      Update translations
      Unset tmp_path when just loading a Mailing from history
      New website URI
      Dynamic fields on transactions; fixes #745
      Fix a creation date issue while importing
      Check if status exists when creating member; fixes #739
      Prevent double load of attachments
      Update changelog
      Bump version
      Merge branch 'release/0.7.7' into develop
      Initialize GALETTE_LOG_LVL for tests also
      Align comments
      Add release date for plugins; fixes #544
      Review public part for plugins; fixes #635
      Bump version
      Update unit tests to take care of plugin date
      Prevent mutliple executions at the same time of atoum
      Update changelog
      SQLite does not like boolean false; fixes #755
      Merge branch 'release/0.7.8' into develop
      Make login and show member work with ZF2
      Make members list, pagination and simple search work with ZF2
      Get list now returns an array
      ZF2:core Db object improvments / members
      Make member modification work, add some wrapper method to Db
      Display member contributions
      Bump version, set compat version as 0.8
      Fix filtering on up to date members
      Members getList no longer retruen an array, just use toArray when needed
      Edit groups
      Contributions list
      Transactions list
      Attach existing contribution to transaction
      History and MailingHistory
      CSV imports and exports
      Align comments, cleanup
      Picture insertion and deletion
      Preferences insertion and deletion
      Preferences update
      Reaplce all Zend_Db_Select and Zend_Db_Expr with their ZF2 equivalents
      Remove functions that are no longer used, cleanup
      Use zf2 methods for dynamic translations
      Align comments
      Remove old way query log
      Use ZF2 methods
      Use Zf2 methods
      Some parts were still using ZF1 methods
      Installation and various initialization methods now use ZF2
      Fix some issues
      getLastGeneratedValue with postgres need sequence id
      Handle contribution extension boolean
      Fix display all
      Fix some errors
      Fix transactions count
      Non existing object
      Lastest Zend, Smarty and TCPDF
      Fix Db connexion when installing
      Fix some issues on dynamic fields with ZF2
      Fix DB version check
      Partially fix unit tests
      Typo in variable name
      Set PHP required version to 5.4; fixes #692
      No longer run tests with PHP 5.3
      UTF conversion still use ZF1
      Fix unit tests
      Add bad fix installing with SQLite :(
      First new installation try; refs #448
      Add SQLite, improve display, add db check step, begin db install step; refs #448
      Installer, first working version, with all install steps :) refs #448
      Use new password hash; refs #448
      Add profiler; refs #448
      Missing isset; refs #448
      Remove news check at install time; refs #448
      Add a method to retrieve database version; refs #448
      Fix undefined index; refs #448
      Required changes due to JQuery and JQueryUI upgrade; refs #448
      Disable check db version when in DEV mode; refs #448
      Improve prefix warning display on update; refs #448
      Some installInit method has changed, and there are new objects; refs #448
      Remove not used file; refs #448
      Add a method to build installation report; refs #448
      Use GALETTE_PHP_MIN constant instead of harcoded minimal version; refs #448
      Begin to take care of upgrade; refs #448
      Remove JS oldies, add jqueryui tooltips; refs #448
      Remove unsecure passwords; refs #448
      Fix installation with ZF2; refs #448
      Fix language image path in installer; refs #448
      Define db prefix constant for SQLite as well; refs #448
      Fix database checks display; refs #448
      Fix database version check; refs #448
      Update website URL; refs #448
      Line too long; refs #448
      Missing paths in checks; refs #448
      Preferences no longer use global zdb reference; refs #448
      installInit may return false if all has already been initialized; refs #448
      Update Galette available version; refs #448
      Dactivate old installer; refs #448
      Fix check modules images path on install; refs #448
      Check very minimal PHP version to run installer; refs #448
      Bad constant name; refs #448
      Take care of existing config file; refs #448
      Move 'sql' directory to 'scripts'; refs #448
      Missing translation
      Database scripts has moved
      Database scripts has moved
      Fix a typo, update translations
      Add unit tests on public pages visibility
      Try to fix travis TU fail
      Fix a typo, fix a deprecated comment
      Add unit tests on install object
      Fix previous step when at install step
      getScript path can be set (for UT)  and defaults to '.'
      A few more install tests
      0.8 update script is not yet written
      Update scripts count was wrong
      Another wrong update scripts count
      Update copyright date
      Add prefix on selectAll
      Bad variable name
      Remove old getUpdateScripts method, use new one for plugins
      Move test plugin scripts
      Minor phpdoc fixes
      Mailings were not stored in history
      Fix contributions deletion
      Send different mails when registering a new donation or a new contribution; fixes #771
      Fix plugins installation, SQL scripts have moved
      Fix a typo
      Review plugin installation
      Fix display on labels edition; fixes #772
      Add contribution type (fixes #773), add/remove dynamic translations
      Select install mode by default
      Fix dynamic fields permissions (thanks to Pierre-Yves); fixes #767
      Try to discover current installed version at upgrade time
      Lines too long
      Take care of updates; fixes #448
      Update translations
      Fix db version in install scripts; refs #448
      Fix typos in french translation (thanks to Roland)
      Fix mail texts storage
      Do not display again mail input when password reset has been sent; fixes #582
      Set charset at database connection, to avoid encoding issues; fixes #711 #578
      Add some db unit tests
      Format version from database to avoid checking errors with SQLite
      Try to fix getColumns UT for postgres
      Add some test on Db
      Cannot test Db values since it has not been instanciated here
      Fix test on plain SQL result for MySQL (escape differs)
      Fix reminders query, coding standards
      Unset installed version when stepping back in installer
      Relocalize data dirs; fixes #483
      Reminders sent twice, refs #738
      Add a function to detect mime type, even if file_info is not available
      Display wrapped messages in mailing preview; add a parameter to disable auto-wrapping; fixes #777
      Update translations
      Prevent errors on 0.8 upgrade if directories has already been moved
      Handle ipv6 address in logs; fixes #799
      Fix various updater issues
      Remove SQL NOW function SQLite ignores; fixes #789
      Fix some issues creating and deleting transactions
      Order alphabetic for labels; fixes #792
      Improve member selection popup; fixes #710
      Remove some warnings that should not be fired; fixes #602
      Advanced search on birth dates; fixes #759
      Fix label inversion between cositations and donations
      Fix contribution overlap check query
      Change record date (which defaults to current date); fixes #737
      There is no way to order by duration
      Handle payment type order
      Filter transactions on date; fixes #812
      Select date when filtering contributions; fixes #813
      Remove dev echo... ref #814
      Fix return code with new SQL update system; fixes #814
      Fix group removal
      Fix used title removal
      Cascade group removal, fixes #708
      Fix undefined index
      Fix undefined index
      Set contributions types label to 100 chars as well as translation fields; fixes #800
      Colmun names prefixed twice; fixes #824
      Fix attachemnts mimetype detection, fix an undefined index; refs #823
      Fix mailings attachments from stored mailings; fixes #823
      Check DB connection test; fixes #817
      Remove lost password button when not needed; refs #820
      Change error image; fixes #794
      Member photo was not stored in database; fixes #830
      Use file path on disk instead of URI, so all works with htaccess protected instances; refs #832
      Set statuses label to 100 chars; fixes #821
      Change font
      Fix UTF conversion on some fields
      Disable gender by configuration; fixes #833
      Query NULL mail address when filtrering members who does not have mail; fixes #837
      Fix minor version proposition
      Fix SQL issue when members displays their own contributions
      Fix group query logged in as  manager; fixes #841
      Update translations
      Add batch actions list from plugins; fixes #209
      Remove Google API path and version, that is no longer part of the project
      Fix members list query logged in as group manager; fixes #841
      Display member mails on public list for loggedin members; fixes #775
      Fix contributions sum and count using postgres
      Update third party libraries versions
      Charset is needed for MySQL only
      Fix quoting issues in free search
      Fix an issue in contributions list
      Fix quoting in simple search
      Ignoe exvim entries
      Bump version
      Update changelog



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