[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-maps.git branch, master, updated. 1.1.2-18-g5ec3e74

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/plugin-maps.git".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  5ec3e748075f9f99860a64f4cd50c1ce1776d57a (commit)
       via  4c16e6a2dc49338981e7a1a10c8194a828d63af3 (commit)
       via  1071b1183f92fd44b3458e5c249b04389197a9fe (commit)
       via  ccd4fb3a6053a2a918cb854aee0dd20c53983bdc (commit)
       via  d0047ab1d0b4d83cdf4555db31419527af4a823a (commit)
       via  082037b40f4bfc9a5a4efa763a6d7f97d3ddbfdd (commit)
       via  3eb994280c905d7f8d74947918365d7917ac17ed (commit)
       via  3503dfcd65b855d20a4dd8b404856b03bbffed35 (commit)
       via  f2552ed50195cefde84197c99708780585640c84 (commit)
       via  c2545225bfe33c49da507e46d0b849e44d141a31 (commit)
       via  f1ecdd649c2f1eb3cdb0125debec442fe8d9ffd2 (commit)
       via  92d6f27464da072cb76ce2590dc66fca266c2337 (commit)
       via  f500537d00d01e8659cd7dd0bde3a77c911e99b8 (commit)
       via  2b8db377dc96afcb62f3017634cdff718c4a395e (commit)
       via  2ac30490fdb08b2bc284679296db8ca049c072b6 (commit)
       via  df13cd874efbcd4ae7bb1690b26e2c9bd9a1526b (commit)
       via  672fe224eca00311306d82902eaaf91adf2c304e (commit)
       via  1ca64b0ec9efe3571b39fcc6a0b47a7c3186fd24 (commit)
      from  8def4037a2d9cad7a16ade1c264b292b43d05d6b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5ec3e748075f9f99860a64f4cd50c1ce1776d57a
Merge: 8def403 4c16e6a
Author: Johan Cwiklinski <johan@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Sep 14 20:11:18 2014 +0200

    Merge branch 'release/1.2'


Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                          |   10 +-
 README                                             |   34 +---
 _config.inc.php                                    |    4 +-
 _define.php                                        |   10 +-
 _smarties.php                                      |    4 +-
 adh_map.php                                        |   26 ++-
 ajax_ilivehere.php                                 |    4 +-
 .../leaflet-locatecontrol/images/locate_alt.png    |  Bin 1127 -> 1127 bytes
 lang/en_US.po                                      |   12 +-
 lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo             |  Bin 2869 -> 3061 bytes
 lang/fr_FR.utf8.po                                 |   12 +-
 lang/fr_FR.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/galette_maps.mo        |  Bin 3154 -> 3382 bytes
 lang/lang_english.php                              |    5 +-
 lang/lang_french.php                               |    5 +-
 lang/messages.po                                   |    5 +
 lang/xgettext.py                                   |    2 +-
 lib/GaletteMaps/Coordinates.php                    |  169 +++++++++++++-------
 lib/GaletteMaps/NominatimTowns.php                 |  165 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/GaletteMaps/Towns.php                          |  126 ---------------
 maps.php                                           |   14 +-
 maps_preferences.php                               |    4 +-
 mymap.php                                          |   25 ++-
 scripts/mysql.sql                                  |    9 ++
 scripts/pgsql.sql                                  |    8 +
 scripts/upgrade-to-1.2-mysql.sql                   |    1 +
 scripts/upgrade-to-1.2-pgsql.sql                   |    1 +
 sql/mysql.sql                                      |   43 -----
 sql/pgsql.sql                                      |   42 -----
 templates/default/maps.tpl                         |   12 +-
 templates/default/mymap.tpl                        |    4 +-
 30 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 348 deletions(-)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 includes/leaflet-locatecontrol/images/locate_alt.png
 create mode 100644 lib/GaletteMaps/NominatimTowns.php
 delete mode 100644 lib/GaletteMaps/Towns.php
 create mode 100644 scripts/mysql.sql
 create mode 100644 scripts/pgsql.sql
 create mode 100644 scripts/upgrade-to-1.2-mysql.sql
 create mode 100644 scripts/upgrade-to-1.2-pgsql.sql
 delete mode 100644 sql/mysql.sql
 delete mode 100644 sql/pgsql.sql


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