[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/galette.git annotated tag, 0.7.7, created. 0.7.7

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/galette.git".

The annotated tag, 0.7.7 has been created
        at  494d77ad0342f8c123022a45585a3e54f4bcdaa8 (tag)
   tagging  8a6cb0e00818325d02377f8aeb3ea02ef67e89f9 (commit)
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Fri Nov 29 22:50:25 2013 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
0.7.7: 404 sponsored!

Johan Cwiklinski (36):
      Merge branch 'release/0.7.6' into develop
      Add attachments to mailings; fixes #187
      Add some new tests
      Travis configuration: activate PHP 5.5, try to test with postgres and mysql
      Typo in db name
      Mysql script creation from travis
      Use exising parameters to test constructor with DSN, since it check for database connection
      Add SQLite travis configuration
      Alter will not work as expected with SQLite
      Remove globals on Preferences; refs #414
      Add unit tests on Preferences; refs #454
      Try to initialize db content on first load
      Fix unit tests issues with postgres
      Add a param not to clean expired passwords, add unit tests
      Some changes on pasword generation; refs #731
      Another check on passwords unit tests
      Fix table size
      Fix undefined index
      Merge branch 'hotfix/' into develop
      Force integer values for charts; fixes #742
      Typo, fixes #744
      Multiple elements with same ID; fixes #736
      Do not try to store a new mailing if we're previewing, fix attachments on stored mailings
      Fix mailing history ordering
      Make sure tmp_path is set when we create a new id
      Create new directory on mailing copy; fixes #743
      Update translations
      Unset tmp_path when just loading a Mailing from history
      New website URI
      Dynamic fields on transactions; fixes #745
      Fix a creation date issue while importing
      Check if status exists when creating member; fixes #739
      Prevent double load of attachments
      Update changelog
      Bump version
      Merge branch 'release/0.7.7'



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