[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/galettedoc.git annotated tag, 0.76, created. 0.76 |
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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/galettedoc.git".
The annotated tag, 0.76 has been created
at d4cbe3685ec6344b327212a4adc12af0b9d79c83 (tag)
tagging c68d348ed1d71746025e9e5fc943092c4dedf670 (commit)
replaces 0.755
tagged by Johan Cwiklinski
on Sat Oct 19 11:13:03 2013 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Galette 0.7.6
Johan Cwiklinski (17):
Merge branch 'release/0.751' into develop
Requiert PostgreSQL >= 9.1; refs #693
Requiert PHP >= 5.4; refs #692
Suppression de UNSECURE_PASSWORDS; refs #694
Mise à jour de la version
Précisions sur le tri; fixes #688
Galette reste compatible 5.3.7 pour l'instant
Merge branch 'hotfix/0.752' into develop
Merge branch 'hotfix/0.753' into develop
Merge branch 'hotfix/0.754' into develop
Merge branch 'hotfix/0.755' into develop
Documentation de l'import CSV
Mise à jour du changelog
Mise à jour en 0.7.6
Merge branch 'release/0.76'
Galette repositories commits - http://galette.tuxfamily.org