[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-paypal.git annotated tag, 1.4, created. 1.4

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/plugin-paypal.git".

The annotated tag, 1.4 has been created
        at  2f0be2db0cca6e073ca348da6594e48cb2590bb7 (tag)
   tagging  f595e0f041b80389034fa604c2933c8f22608b33 (commit)
  replaces  1.3
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Sat Aug 10 12:39:37 2013 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
1.4: Debian France sponsored - Galette 0.7.5 compatible

Johan Cwiklinski (16):
      Merge branch 'release/1.3' into develop
      Add BUGS and license files
      Detect blank amount; fixes #613
      Update i18n
      Ignore list
      Delete contributions in cascade; fix #401
      Execute post contribution script, if any; refs #490
      No longer send correct encoding to paypal, that breaks returned strings and cause failures on returned values
      Call post contribution script even if we are not receiving a real contirbution (that is not stored in Galette); refs #490
      Missing namespace
      Enable UTF-8 encoding again, with correct patch to handle return (thanks to Raphael)
      Drop pap...
      Update Galette compatiblity version
      Delete contributions in cascade (init scripts); refs #401
      Update changelog
      Merge branch 'release/1.4'



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