[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-maps.git annotated tag, 0.0.1, created. 0.0.1

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/plugin-maps.git".

The annotated tag, 0.0.1 has been created
        at  8dbf5ec329e1154624d1a1b4aef8ef983d2abbc9 (tag)
   tagging  7b734c8884b5188bc224be1eb0caa98d76c0264a (commit)
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Fri Oct 5 18:29:55 2012 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
0.0.1: first release (POC)

Johan Cwiklinski (15):
      Proof of concept
      Something to store and retrieve members coordinates
      Store member coordinates
      Relaod page after corrdinates change, zoom when town is set
      Ooops, missing file
      Display localized members on map
      Add MySQL script and town import informations
      Member coordinates removal
      Do not use php 5.4 specific syntax
      Public page display is not the best for the map
      Restrict mymaps if user is not logged in
      There are no preferences for now
      Add translations
      Merge branch 'release/0.0.1'



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