[galette-commits] [GIT] galette/plugin-admintools.git annotated tag, 1.1, created. 1.1

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This is an automated email from git. It was enerated because a ref
change was pushed to the repository "galette/plugin-admintools.git".

The annotated tag, 1.1 has been created
        at  64fc0b9723689a3abe987f4b3ba5470c772a0698 (tag)
   tagging  629812a9f0a2f4f101a07eab306a1d2b978c0d7b (commit)
 tagged by  Johan Cwiklinski
        on  Sat Oct 6 15:54:27 2012 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
1.1: Galette 0.7.1 compatible

Johan Cwiklinski (23):
      Repository structure
      Plugin base
      That one would be limited to superadmin only
      Do the job :)
      Update language generation files from Galette's ones
      Add i18n
      Add a tool to the plugin to reinitalize texts
      Fix various innatention issues (thanks to Roland)
      Use main Galette's success/error messages mechanism ; i18n
      Add licence, readme, install, changelog, ...
      Update copyright
      Update links
      Fix menu path issue ; refs #203
      Hide MySQL specific tools when using postgres
      Use namespace and autoloader ; refs #206
      Add Galette compatibility version ; fixes #248
      Buggy smarty prefix under windows, refs #318
      Bad smarty constant call; fixes #322
      Bump version
      Merge branch 'release/1.1'



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