Re: [translations] Disk image missing from git

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Hi Caspar

No, it's not on purpose.
I spent one night trying to upload the image on Github and didn't work. Then I had no time nor will to try it again. I can try again today and let you know.

Does anybody know if OCI containers can be run on Windows somehow?

On Tue, Mar 23 2021 at 09:34:01 PM +0100, Caspar Ernst <casparernst@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi translators!

Is it on purpose that in the newest release of LilyDev, there is only a container and no Disk image?

(Or is the container the disk image, and i just don't have any idea of how it works?) If containers are the new disk, i would like to have a short introduction in how to set it up with Oracle VirtualBox and Windows 10.

Best regards,


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