Re: [translations] Error in building documentation

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Hi Walter

You know that you should work on branch translation for translation patches, right?
I've chceked out master and the below command compiles successfully.

You must look for more information in order to understand what's going on.

Il giorno gio 19 nov 2015 alle 20:08, Walter Garcia-Fontes <walter.garcia@xxxxxxx> ha scritto:
I created a clean repository from master. "make" ran without
errors. But "make LANG='ca' doc" aborts with an error, it looks like in building
snippets. As I said I haven't changed anything in this repository, its
the clone of the current master.
 It stops at this stage:

command failed: /sources/lilypond/build/out/bin/lilypond
-I /sources/lilypond/input/regression  -dbackend=eps
--formats=ps,png,pdf -djob-count=6 -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts
--header=doctitle --header=doctitleca --header=texidoc
--header=texidocca -dcheck-internal-types -ddump-signatures
-danti-alias-factor=2 -I  "./"  -I
"/sources/lilypond/build/input/regression"  -I
"/sources/lilypond/input/regression" --formats=eps
-deps-box-padding=3.000000  -dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir

Try opening this file

The log produced is:

logfile lilypond-multi-run-5.log (exit 1):
Converting to `./f3/lily-b1a0e9ce-1.pdf'...
Writing ./f3/lily-b1a0e9ce-systems.texi...
Writing ./f3/lily-b1a0e9ce-systems.tex...
Writing ./f3/lily-b1a0e9ce-systems.count...
Processing `./56/'
Renaming input to:
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks...
Drawing systems...
Writing header field `texidoc' to `./56/lily-44b4b5eb.texidoc'...
Writing ./56/lily-44b4b5eb-1.signature
Layout output to `./56/lily-44b4b5eb.eps'...
Converting to `./56/lily-44b4b5eb.pdf'...
Converting to PNG...
Layout output to `./56/lily-44b4b5eb-1.eps'...
Converting to `./56/lily-44b4b5eb-1.pdf'...
Writing ./56/lily-44b4b5eb-systems.texi...
Writing ./56/lily-44b4b5eb-systems.tex...
Writing ./56/lily-44b4b5eb-systems.count...
Processing `./'
fatal error: failed files: "c0/ 55/
logfile lilypond-multi-run-1.log (exit 1):
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-3.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-4.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-5.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-6.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-7.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-8.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-9.eps'...
Layout output to `./a6/lily-436997bb-10.eps'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-1.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-2.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-3.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-4.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-5.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-6.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-7.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-8.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-9.pdf'...
Converting to `./a6/lily-436997bb-10.pdf'...
Writing ./a6/lily-436997bb-systems.texi...
Writing ./a6/lily-436997bb-systems.tex...
Writing ./a6/lily-436997bb-systems.count...
fatal error: failed files: "1b/"
fatal error: Children (5 1) exited with errors.

and this ly file, which should be within out-www/

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